Psalm 140. & # # Slow «« bˆ«ˆ««««««« «ˆ« ====================== «««« ˆ ˆ« ˆ«« ˆ w ˆ«««« ˆ«ˆ bˆ ˆ« ˆ«. bˆ«j ˆ««ˆ ˆ« ˆ«bˆ«ˆ« bˆ nˆ ˆ« nˆ« bˆ« & # # ««««

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Byznte So b ˆ bˆ b ˆ ˆ s cried out un Bsi Kzn (1915 2001) 72. Œ ˆbˆnˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ «ˆ ««ˆ «ˆ ˆ «ˆbˆ ˆ e. Her # # Œ &. b bˆ ˆ «ˆ Her cried out n «ˆ b b n. b Her b. b j. b j «ˆ voice sup un pi Give me, er c bˆ nˆ «ˆ ˆ bˆ. ti, hen cry out un ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆb n ˆ_ b ˆ «ŵ ˆ «bˆ ˆ Her me, e. So b «ˆ b ˆ ˆ b j ˆ bˆ ˆ ˆ Let pry'r set th e. b j «ˆ n b j #. s thē Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK Psm 140 cense, ift g e. e

73 Psm 140 Bsi Kzn b b b up hs. s b ˆ ˆ b. j b n ˆ_ «b sc ri fice.. Her & # Fst #. b j ˆ ˆ b b Set tch, thē eve me, e. b b. mouth, pro tect g b n b n. n ce not hert door e vi bout ords, b. b cus es ss...... men tht ork ips. mke iq ng ex ui Œ b b. ty, i not com mu ni cte choic est m. b nˆˆ b b The just mn sh cor # # & b b nˆ ˆ b b b prove me, but et not oi rect me s mer ner cy not sh re hed, Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

b b pry'r so sh sti gst Psm 140 Bsi Kzn thgs 74 b Œ b b n hich y re pesed. Their judg es b b b p rock en s od b Œ b n Œ b ords y re set. As hen thick ness up. f They erth sh g her is up bro ken bˆ_ «nˆ_ «. b up up ground, ir bes re sct tered by side he. b n b Œ But e, b b e put trust. b n b b Keep me snre hich y Tke re id me, not me b b b ork ers iq ui ty. Let ick ed eyes. y f trps sou. n ir Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

75 Psm 141 Bsi Kzn bˆ_ «nˆ_ «. b. on nets, hie e es cpe. Psm 141 b n b cried un Lord voice. b b b. voice un Lord did mke sup pi b n poured out sup b. b e him. shod ŵ«b b When spir it s o e pi him ver hemed c c trou ti With ti.. me, n b ŵ«b n kne est pth. n y here b b. ked y se cret y b b. ooked right id h snre hed, but Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

b b re s no e tht oud kno Psm 141 Bsi Kzn 76 n b b b. Re fuge fied No e b n b Πcried un e, cred sid, Thou b b b b. re fuge por ti b n Πb b. At tend un cry, m brought iv sou. ver y b b De iv er me n Πn b y re strg per er se thn cu. rt g. rs, o. Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

77 Verses & Sticher Bsi Kzn VERSE 1 & b b b b. Brg sou out pris tht my prise n STCHERN 1 & Á b b b b Christ, Pos ses sor vic ry o ver & Œ b b hst s cend ed cross tht might est & b b. b b those ho sit drk ness. free mg h ded, rise o des, e ver & b b Ó fo g ife the & b b. " b. might y Sv iour, VERSE 2 & b b b The right eous sh it on mer cy me, ight, up un ti us. re com STCHERN 2 &. Á b b pense To dy Christ trod den don & b b deth ris en s he sid. He giv en Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

& b b b «ˆ «ˆ joy ord tht might shout prise: Verses & Sticher Bsi Kzn Foun t 78 &. b b b ife, un p proch Light, might & b. " VERSE 3 bˆ ˆ. Sv iour, mer cy up & «_ b b b b. depths cried un e, us. ut her y voice. STCHERN 3 & Á b b ho rt cre ti, hith er & b. b. b s ners fee e, hev en, sh d est & b. b re, or h des, re rt Trmp &.. b deth, or depths & b. b h, Ms ter? n se, e, re re e, seek er is Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

79 Verses & Sticher Bsi Kzn & b b «ˆ b. re fuge e do or ship seech g y; & b b " «b ˆ. ho didst rise ded, mer cy up VERSE 4 & b b b b Let the ers t & STCHERN 4 b Á b b sup pi c ti. n cross, ten tive Christ, & b b. b res ur rec ti do prise do go voice ri & b bˆ ˆ " b. rt our God, side e kno VERSE 5 & f, shoud'st mrk iq ui ties, no go oth fy, & b sh st, e re is STCHERN & Á 5 b b b b Go ry might, give hst us. ness. put ry, ho er. Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

& b b b sp pos ses sor Verses & Sticher Bsi Kzn might 80 &. b b. b b deth, hst re ned us by cross, & " b. ife cor rupt i bi i VERSE 6 & Be cuse nme it ed e, s ty. & b b. it ed up ord. My sou hoped g My STCHERN & Á 6 b b. b b Thy bur i, rn crushed bds & b b b res ur rec ti ded did i u h mi nte «" «& ˆ b ˆ. ord. Where e, VERSE & 7 From morn g tch un ti go night, ry morn g e. tch us sou et des Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

81 STCHERN 7 & b. Á b s Verses & Sticher Bsi Kzn r e trust & b b Œ ys prise his res ur rec The ti, Lord ss sub & b b mit tg cru ci fix i our skes, " & b b. he sht tered deth by deth. Here end first seven verses resurrecti sticher. When required, this is food by verses eight, ne, ten three sticher st dy. When se re not sung, go directy "Gory Fr... " Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK

Verses & Sticher Bsi Kzn 82 VERSE 8 & For Lord re is mer cy him is & b bun dnt re demp ti he i de & b b b iv er s r e his iq ui ties. No sg first sticher st, n Verse 9. VERSE 9 & b b Prise ye n tis. Prise him ye peo pe. No sg secd sticher st, n Verse 10. VERSE 10 & b For his mer cy is gret t'rd us, & # b b b # truth Lord en dur eth ev er. No sg third sticher st, n "Gory..." Antiochin rthodox Christin Archdiocese 10/14/02 Rev. 0 MK